We Collect Stories.

Seven Ways to Live is an online storytelling platform that collects stories of mental health and life experiences through various mediums. We provide free writing and creative support for those wishing to use their voice. We collect stories in any format - audio, video, text, art, poetry, etc. Everyone has a story and every story has its unique value.

How Storytelling Can Build Empathy

Storytelling can create a more empathetic and inclusive society that recognizes the importance of mental health and supports those who are affected by mental health conditions.

  • Sharing personal stories about mental health brings a human face to issues that are often misunderstood or stigmatized. When people hear firsthand accounts of what it's like to live with a mental health condition, they can see beyond stereotypes and statistics, understanding the nuanced experiences of individuals.

    This humanization fosters empathy as listeners relate to the emotions and struggles shared, recognizing the shared humanity in each story.

  • Storytelling about mental health can create a sense of community and belonging. When people share their stories, they often find that others have had similar experiences, which can be comforting and validating. This shared experience reduces the feeling of isolation and helps people understand that they are not alone in their struggles.

    Collecting stories from diverse backgrounds also highlights that mental health issues are universal, affecting people from all walks of life, which can break down barriers and reduce stigma by showing that mental health challenges are a common human experience.

  • Personal stories concrete examples of how mental health conditions manifest and affect daily life, which can be more impactful than abstract information. Through storytelling, people can learn about the various facets of mental health, including the challenges of seeking treatment, the impact on relationships and work, and the journey towards recovery.

    This increased understanding can dispel myths and misconceptions, leading to a more informed and compassionate society that supports mental health and reduces stigma.

The Science Behind Storytelling

Storytelling releases neurotransmitters like dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins, which enhance attention, empathy, and overall connection to the story and the storyteller.

Most Popular Ways to Share



Audio is a great way to isolate the listeners’ senses. For those of you who enjoy audiobooks, these stories will be for you.



Create a visual for others’ to watch. Movies, videos, and animations are a dynamic way of sharing your story.



Write your story and allow others’ to read along. Examples of this are an essay, excerpt, or poem.

Not sure how to get the words out? We provide free writing and creative assistance.

  • If you would like to utilize this service, please reach out to us with your ideas.

  • This includes free video, audio, photo, and text editing.

  • Not sure how you want to share your story? We’re here to help.

Why should you share your story?

Storytelling is an art as old as time. It’s our history and human right to share our experiences through the mediums we choose.

In mental health care, storytelling can be healing.

Imagine seeing someone who looks like you or you relate to that is sharing an experience that you understand. Or completely the opposite — someone you don’t relate to, or understand, that you are trying to empathize with.

Empathy is one of the greatest experiences of our human lives. Like a muscle, we can excercise it and build it up. For some, it may not come naturally. But practice makes progress.

“You gotta jump in to swim.”

- Mac Miller (1992 - 2018)

Be brave Every Day.

All you need to do is fill out this form to submit your story. We are collecting all categories of stories. Click here to see our list.

If you prefer to send your submission through email,
please email kimberly@sevenwaystolive.org